You won't believe this one. I was hunting out in Sidney this past weekend for my muzzleloader buck. Well I got him. I'll make a long story short.
First off, Mike kept telling me he saw a buck with an arrow through his head.
I thought he was full of it, but he kept telling me he saw it again.
Sat. evening we saw this buck jumping around going out of control from about 350 yards away. Mike told me it was probably the one with the arrow in its head. The buck was with another one that night.
The next morning I sat up in the tree stand and waited, all of a sudden at about 10 minutes after sun up there were two bucks that came right to the side of my stand, 30 yards. I saw the arrow instantly and didn't know what to think. Anyways, he ended up giving me a shot and I took him.
Looks like the arrow was in there probably at least a couple months or more. No blood or anything and you could move the arrow.

What are the odds that an arrow would go through and not hit anything vital? You'd also think the deer would try to break it off.
Nice story and amazing pics! Geesh....incredible.
Crazy. Hard to believe it's real. Why didn't that buck break off the arrow or at least bend it? Anyway, interesting story and a good reminder to make our shots count. Thanks!
That's insane!
The magic of physiology, that an arrow like that could pass through without clipping anything critical...
Stranger things have happened, I suppose.
Wouldn't have believed it without pictures...great pics!
When I teach Intro to Psychology, we talk about a man named Phineas Gage (google him). He had a stake driven through his head, chin through the top of his head, and lived for years afterwards. His personality changed quite a bit, but he lived nonethelesss. So, if you haven't named this buck yet, I propose Phineas!
Those are amazing photos! That's just so...creepy! It's so good that they put it out of its misery
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