Thursday, June 28, 2007

Catch & Release Advice

This is an excellent guide for catch & release fisherman. This information was from a post on ND Outdoors & Beyond

  • Decide to release the fish as soon as you hook it.
  • Generally, land the fish quickly and don't play it to exhaustion.
  • Set the hook quickly to reduce the likelihood the fish will swallow the bait.
  • Bring a fish in slowly from deep water to help it adjust to changing pressure.
  • Don't use barbed or rusty hooks.
  • Keep your release tools close by.
  • Handling Your Catch
  • Leave the fish in the water if you can and use a tool to remove the hook.
  • Keep the fish from thrashing without using a net if there is anyway you can.
IF you must handle a fish:
  • Use a wet rag or glove.
  • Turn it on its back and cover its eyes to calm it.
  • Don't put your fingers in the eyes or gills of the fish.
  • Avoid removing mucous or scales.
  • Get the fish back in the water as quickly as possible.
  • Handle each fish carefully to avoid person injury.
Removing the Hook
  • If the hook is very deep within the fish or it can't be removed quickly, cut the leader close to the fish's mouth
  • Back the hook out the opposite way it went in.
  • Use needle-nose pliers, hemostats, or a hookout to remove the hook and protect your hands.
  • For a larger fish in the water, slip a gaff around the leader and slide it to the hook. Lift the gaff upward while pulling downward on the leader
  • Do not jerk or pop a leader to break it -- it injures vital organs in the fish.
The Final Moments
  • Place the fish in the water gently supporting the mid-section and tail until it swims away.
  • Resuscitate an exhausted fish by moving it back and forth to force water through its gills.
FOR SALTWATER OR DEEP WATER FISH ONLY: When releasing fish that cannot right itself or is showing a distended air bladder the bladder should be gently punctured:
  • Gently insert a thin oint (knife blade, wire or ice pick) through the side of the fish immediately behind the upper part of the pectoral finbase. This is usually directly below the fourth or fifth spine.
  • Let the air escape without pressing on the fish and put it in the water to let it swim away.

    Watch the fish when released. If it doesn't swim away, recover it and try again.
  • 1 comment:

    hunting videos said...

    Leaving the fish in the water and removing the hook is alot less stressful on the animal. Good post.