Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Catch and Release....into Crisco

I believe in selective harvest while fishing. Letting the large fish go helps to secure our future of fishing, however, nothing beats fresh fried fish.

Over the years I have tried several fish breadings and most commercial breadings are too seasoned for my tastes. I want to actually taste the fish not just the breading.

By far the best breading recipe I have tried was found on a Minnesota resort website several years ago. I don't remember the website by I do remember their recipe. Give it a try, I'll bet you'll like it

Fish Breading

  • 1 cup flour
  • 1 cup cornmeal
  • 1 package of Saltine crackers
  • 1 package of Ritz crackers
  • Salt & Pepper to taste
  • Paprika - to taste or sight. I usually use about a teaspoon

Blend/grind these items together in a blender until fine. Don't use a food processor, it will turn to a mushy mess.


Anonymous said...

I'm with you. I want to TASTE the fish. I'll give your recipe a try. Thanks for sharing

Anonymous said...

That does sound like a good recipe.

Though, in my opinion, the best fish recipe ever is the one my Dad uses. He makes, hands down, the best fish I've ever tasted.

Craig A. Manock said...

Now you need to share your Dads' recipe

Anonymous said...

Well, here's the thing. I don't even have Dad's recipe. He has a few things he likes to keep to himself, so that he can make special dinners for the family.

I'll have to work on him and see if I can get him to let me have it.