Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Effective Glassing

Looking through your binoculars is not good enough. You need to learn to look with your binoculars. This means the binoculars should become an extension of your eyes.

To see properly you need to hold your binoculars steady and move your eyes to look at the details. Once you are satisfied with the area you are looking at you can then move the binoculars to the next patch of ground. After a little practice this will become second nature.

Avoid panning the landscape. You will miss many important details and cause unnecessary eye strain.
You should develop a pattern of looking at a piece of cover. Try working from left to right, top to bottom. Be sure to check where the sun and shade meet.

By using your binoculars correctly you can increase your chances of spotting more game and filling your tag.


Anonymous said...

Great stuff all over this blog, Craig! I really enjoy it.

Please keep it up... you're doing me and any other "wired" outdoorsman a big service.

Craig A. Manock said...

Thanks for the nice comment. It is always nice to hear that people enjoy the blog.