Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The Perfect Knot

There are many different kinds of knots available for fishing; however, the Improved Clinch knot is probably the easiest and best for new anglers to learn.

1) Run the end of the line through the eye of the hook, then twist that end of the line approximately four to five times around the main line.

2) Put the end of the line through the new small loop formed just above the eye of the hook; push the end of the line through the bigger, new loop you have just formed.

3) Pull line tight, down to the eye of the hook. Snip off the excess line and go fishing.


Eagle Eyes said...

I certainly don't qualify as a new or inexperienced angler, but, I still you this knot for much of my regular fishing opportunities. I like the visual!

Anonymous said...

This is by far my favorite knot for tying on fishing lures. I've been using it since I was about 6!